54+ Encouragement Quotes


Sometimes words are enough to bring hope into a person’s heart and encourage a person that you still believe in them. If you have a friend suffering through hard times and you cannot be there for them physically, then some words or quotes of advice will be a great substitute. Here are some of the best encouragement quotes you can give that friend or family for rough times.


You can do this! You are strong enough to go through all the challenges life will give you.


Dear friend, know that I am here for you, and I trust you in everything you do. Fighting!


These rough times are bound to pass you by, and you will look at this later and laugh at it.


We will get through this, love; all these are nothing but hurdles to test how much we can take.

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Life is probably going to throw us oranges, and we will throw it back orange juice!


No matter how much life tries to make it harder for us to survive, we will carry on!


I believe that you can do this and make the world reverse its spin; you are fantastic!



God will always be there for you, help you, and guide you along, so pray to Him.


When you feel like the world is going against you, then go against it too! I will be here.


I believe in you; you will have the courage to face these problems, good luck!


There is somebody out there that believes you can do this, do not disappoint that person, dear.


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I do not know what you are going through but know that I will be here to support you.


I am cheering you on from this side of the world, so give it your best shot, my dearest friend.


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It does not matter if you succeed or fail as long as you did your best, so give it a try.


The journey is what matters, not the goal, so you might as well take the first step today.


You may not know, but right now, I am praying that you can go on with your journey happily.



Maybe someday you will realize that having the courage now will help you in the future, love.


Just give it a step at a time, do not rush yourself, and sooner or later, you will be able to do it.


Do everything you do with love, and you will be happy with the results you are bound to get.


Just keep the faith and believe in yourself, and you will realize that hard work does pay off.


Quotes that give you Hope – Quotes about hope


Eventually, every single thing will fall into its rightful place; you just need to wait for it.


What you are doing at this very moment is something that will reflect on you in the future.


Every step you make is a step closer to your dreams, so you might as well take that first step.


One of the bravest things someone can do is to start a change in others’ lives.


Cheating Quotes


When you believe you can do it, and other people tell you that you can do it, then you can.


The secret to success is to believe in yourself and realize that so many people will always be there for you, no matter how you might think otherwise.


There will be days when you will get sad and cry, but do not worry because these times end.


When you reach the end of the tunnel, you will see the light, you will see it, and you will smile.


Is it not a joyous event to be able to be someone’s hero, to be able to make them smile!

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You will survive it, so stop worrying and keep smiling to show how happy you are.


Others may laugh at you, so laugh at yourself too so that they would not have the power to.


The only way that things will be okay is if people get to encourage each other up.


Your story may not have such a great beginning, but if you make it worthwhile, then the end will be worth the entire journey to it.


There may be a lot of forces threatening your success, but I will encourage you up, so relax.


I hope you are feeling positive now, so you become more inspired to reach your dreams.


In life, the real goal you should have is to pay your blessings forward to those who need them.


Keep living the righteous life that you have and forgive those who have once wronged you.


When the people around you have the same goals as you do, you get more encouraged.


The key to encouraging someone is to help them see the love they can give to the work they do.


If you want to encourage someone, give them a smile, a positive response and cheer them on.


It may not seem like things are going your way, but it will be okay soon, so hang on.


If you know yourself, you are likely to encourage only the type of people that will help you improve yourself and nothing less further.


People are willing to cooperate if the atmosphere helps them to feel the vibes to help others.


Those people who encourage you to be cheerful are the ones that genuinely care about you, so keep them close and never let them go.


If the elevator does not work, then point your friend to the stairs to encourage him to get to where he wants to be.


Sometimes, what a person needs is self-encouragement, but it works if you are sure.


There is nothing in this world that I care more about than to encourage people to survive.


As much as possible, I think that the best way to encourage someone is to smile at them.


Although you might feel like it is not so much you can change, what matters is you do.


If you give your child some encouragement, he will get the confidence to perform better.


We all can know about knowing things. We just have to take control of them.


If you ever face a wall, all you need to have is the courage to break it down with all you have.


Sometimes, waiting is not enough, and you have to take the first step to do something for yourself.


After all this time, I guess all a person needs are people who believe that he can do it.


If you want to succeed, you must learn to put the necessary tasks over what you want.


If you want to encourage people, then take an interest in what they do instead of giving them just words.


Your mood will define your day and how much work you get done, so be happy.


I hope you remember that so many people believe in you, so do it all!


If you can think it, you can achieve it, go plan ahead and live your life in a new light.


Do you want to pursue your dream? If yes, then first, you need to believe in yourself.


People do not lack the talent or the capability; they just lack encouragement.


Chances are most people carry talent within them, but they think negatively, and it affects them.


Do not let any negative thoughts affect how you look in the future; change them today.


You can do marvelous things if you remember how to start it and how you will be great.


People say you reap whatever you sow; I tell you got to start planting today for it.


Believe in the impossible and believe that great things can be achieved from constant but straightforward effort in the long run.


You need not be perfect. All you need to do is do your best in every single thing that you do.


Get things done today, and I assure you that the future will look a whole lot brighter for you.


There is always a way out. If you just know how to try to find that exit, look hard enough.


If you want a successful team, you need to know how to encourage your members, you know.


Now, if there ever comes a time you need some encouragement, just come to me, and I will give you some of my words of wisdom.


When you encourage your children to be fair and just, they will grow up to be just that.


If you want a person to respond to your text, then send something that will encourage it.


Do not ever encourage violence in anybody; it just is not suitable to start a war without knowing.


No matter how many times you fail, you just got to keep trying until you finally get to it.


The best thing about family is that it encourages you to be a whole lot better than you are.


Find friends that will never encourage you to do bad things but always go with the right.


Sometimes, things will be rough, but you will get through it with some encouragement from your special someone.


If people say that you cannot do it, then you need to have the courage to prove them wrong.


People need you, so show them that you are worth it and worth everything you are.


Life may throw you so many things and problems, but if you have people around you that encourage you and support you, you will get through it all.


Maybe things seem so hard right now, but eventually, it will get a whole lot better, you know?


The key to a happy life is finding the correct type of friends that will encourage you.


When you find that someone who inspires you to be a whole lot better, then do not let go ever.