Top 35 If You Love Me Let Me Go Quotes


People say that if you truly love a person, you should know when to let the person go, you should know when to stop holding on to something that does not belong to you anymore, someone who no longer feels the same way that you do. Now, if you are the person who wants to be set free, here are some quotes that will help you in some way since it will make your lover understand that you want to be set free.


Baby I Want You Forever Quotes


There are people you just want to keep forever, those whom you want to be in your life for as long as possible. For some, there are a lot but for others there are only one, that person who will be with them for the rest of your life, your special someone, the one you want to proudly be with. When this time come, you just want to shout to the world that you are in love or that you have found the person that you want to spend forever with and you want to let that person know. Here are some quotes that just says, “I want you forever” that might help you to say it to the one. …More

Top 45 You are my Home Quotes


Home is where you wanted to be after a long tiring day in work or in school and each of us don’t want to miss a time with our love ones. However, home is not always found in four walls but can also find to a person. Don’t be afraid to show how you feel and express this by using the following you are my home quotes. …More

The 35 Why I Love You Quotes


Feeling in love is the greatest feeling a person could have. Moreover, there are several reasons why we love them but can’t easily describe it and there are times we don’t know how to express this love. Well don’t worry because the following quotes can help you. …More

The 60 When I Look into your Eyes Quotes


Face to face with the person we love can make us feel a thousand emotions we never thought we have inside. And this can be exhilarating or sad but the fact that they were able to conjure those emotions on the surface is magic itself because love in general is beautiful. Looking in the eyes of the person we love makes us realize a lot of things we only know by quietly looking at them. Here are some of quotes you might get to relate with: …More

Top 60 The Way You Make Me Feel Quotes


It is funny how someone can make us feel a lot of emotions all at once. It may be someone who we met unexpectedly and your personalities just clicked or that someone may be someone you knew all along then the both of you were able to see each other for the first time. Feeling a lot of emotion gets too much at times especially when you are so busy building all these walls around you but maybe the quotes below can help you sort through your emotions. …More

Top 40 When You Love Someone Quotes


When you love someone you want to give them all that you have, you want to show them your best side, you want to tell them everything you are thinking about and that is normal. When you love someone, you want to be with them all the time and that is perfectly fine. Because when you love someone you just want to get all the moment that you can get with them and savor every second of your day. Here are some quotes about how it feels when you love someone. …More

The 45 Unconditional Love QuotesChild


The best kind of love there ever was is unconditional love. Truth be told, unconditional love comes from parents, from God, from those who knows how to love in a pure, untainted way. There is something about being given unconditional love that makes you feel as if you are just so lucky about your life and about being loved like that. You want to know how to give unconditional love as well but to do so, you must first be able to understand it and relate to it. Here are some quotes about unconditional love that you might just find useful. …More

The 60 Sister Love Quotes


There is something about sister love that just makes you feel like you have never felt before. It is in that moment when you and your sister share a lot of secrets and moments together that you will realize how lucky you are that you have one. So when you want to show some sister love here are some quotes about sister love that you might want to try out and see for yourself. …More

Top 35 Quotes about Time and Love


As they say, time is essential when it comes to love, because if you love someone, you should allocate plenty of time for that person. In fact, time is considered very essential when it comes to keeping a romantic relationship alive and last long. So here are some quotes on how these two are related. …More

Top 45 Heart Quotes


As we all know, heart is often associated with love. In fact, it is the symbol of love. Yet, our heart is also a strong and driving force of life. We end up doing a lot of things simply because it is what our heart wants. So here are some heart quotes that can keep you inspired. …More

The 40 Self Love Quotes


One of the most important kinds of love in this world is self-love, the ability to appreciate yourself and actually accept who you are. Everyone should have the capability for self-love but not all is able to actually execute it. There are so many things that can sprout from having some self-love: to be capable of respecting yourself and demanding the same thing from others and to actually know your worth. If you ever feel like you do not have enough self-love, here are some quotes about self-love that might make your realize that you should be the first person you love. …More

60+ Quotes about Loving Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back Anymore


There is something that is truly sad about loving someone who doesn’t love you back, there is agony, there is that longing for something to actually start to happen between you. How you try and give meaning to the things that the other person does for you when you do not even know if he or she also does it to anyone else. It might not just be you because you know that loving someone who doesn’t love you back is a road set up for your destruction. When it comes to loving someone who doesn’t love you back, reading some quotes will help you in soothing that aching feeling you know feel. Here are some quotes about loving someone who doesn’t love you back.


The 45 Quotes about Love and Marriage


There are a lot of things about love and marriage that would be nice to talk about especially that love and marriage should come hand in hand. A loveless marriage doesn’t seem to last and a love without marriage does not seem to hold. So for the fact that love and marriage to combine, it is necessary to have a point of view regarding those two things. Here are some quotes regarding love and marriage that might just help you out. …More

The 60 Quotes about Love and Friendship


There comes a moment when love and friendship goes together and make something new, something that is above being just friends. You level up into something crazy and beautiful or you either forget about your friendship or just move on. The point is that the thin line between love and friendship is very thin and threadlike but everything is going to be just okay. Here are some quotes about love and friendship that might be useful to you or you may relate to. …More

40+ Love Sucks Quotes


There are a few moments when you will realize that love sucks, that it just hurts too much, demands too much and you do not know what to do anymore. At those moments when life sucks for you, just keep on reminding yourself that it will be alright. Love sucks right now but eventually it will be back to normal, one day you will actually feel good about feeling it. At these moments when love sucks, here are some quotes that you can try to relate to and feel better.


50+ I Love my Wife Quotes


Your wife is the person is one of the people in this world that you are very much thankful for because she has made the vow to never leave you through thick and thin. For those times when you want to show everyone that you love her basically say that “I love my wife”, you need to be able to express it properly. Here are some quotes tackling that topic, the I love my wife quotes, meant just for you. …More

The 60 I Love my Son Quotes


Having a son is one of the greatest blessings in the world, someone to guide to in life, someone to show that you care. It would be great to let the world now that you love him by saying things such as “I love my son” and telling him about how much you do care for him. If you have a hard time doing that, here are some quotes that says “I love my son” that will work just as well. …More

Top 40 I Love my Kids Quotes


Say it to the world, tell them, “I love my kids” and let them know just how much you truly care for your children because children are blessings from God. If you do not have any idea on what you want to say and just want your message to come across as loving your children, here are some quotes regarding loving your kids that you might just enjoy. …More