40+ Sad Lines


There are moments that you will feel sad, and a lot of things can cause it: heartbreak, loss of someone you love, death of a family member or a friend, feeling left out, finding out that you are almost dying, not knowing how long you have to live and many more. When you feel like the whole world has turned against you, the best way to cope with it is to find someone who understands how you think about life. Here are some of the best quotes that might help you through whatever is going on in your life right now.


The worst way you will miss somebody is when you are sitting beside him or when you are with him, yet you feel like you are miles away from each other.


Life is tough, and sometimes the only thing you can do is keep smiling through the pain you are experiencing.


The road to getting to where you want to be may be the toughest one out there, so remember to bring an extra pair of tissue because you never know when the tears will fall.

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Sometimes you need to choose to let go because holding on is just causing you too much pain than you are willing to bear.


Life will hit you at the worst times, it will bring you down to your knees until you want to give up, but you cannot because you are a person that shines the brightest during the darkest of times.


I know many people; it’s just that they are not my friends, for I barely have those types of people in my life.


Loving makes you weak; it makes you suffer. You feel the things the love of your life is feeling. You would not care even if it hurts you; you must keep a bright smile and keep tolerating the pain.


60 Quotes About Love


There comes a time in life when you must let go of what is hurting you, even if it feels twice the pain to let go than to keep holding on.


How do you keep on living when the only person that matters to you is gone, and you know that that person is never going to come back?


If only people decided to build bridges instead of walls, they would not be as lonely as they are.


Just be yourself in this world full of fakes because the one who truly loves you will accept you for exactly who you are.


Sad Crush Quotes


I’m so over crying myself to sleep; I just want to get over all the pain that you have caused me to begin with.


No matter if you are here or not, my life will continue because I am finally living for myself and no one else.


Sad Love Status


In the most unexpected moment, that every person in whom you put all of your trust will be the one who will betray you.


I hope that a day will come when you realize that you are hurting me far more than you know.



So you are giving up on me now? Well, guess what? I’m giving up on you, too, if that is what you are going to do.


Sometimes the most beautiful girl, the one with bright eyes and an irresistible smile, hides in a world full of lies.


Slowly but surely, I am getting tired of life and everything that comes with it.


Honestly, I am not afraid of falling in love again; what I am scared of is that I will choose the wrong person and get hurt so bad once more.


The worst feeling is when you are trying so hard to get noticed by the person that matters most to you, and then you keep on finding yourself being ignored by that very same person.


All you need is love.


Sometimes, when I am silent and not saying a word, it conveys just how hurt I am.


Do you want to know why I am leaving you? It’s for our sake to be better people, even if we are without each other.


Just because people cry does not mean they are weak for doing it; sometimes, it is because they are so tired of being strong for far too long.


The problem with me is that I fall instantly, so hard, and when I get hurt, I forgive easily and then when people leave me, I tend to care so much.


Hug Quotes


When I miss someone, and it is not within my power to do anything to make the emptiness in my heart go away, I die a little.


You have told me so many lies every time you open your mouth, but out of all of them, my favourite one was when you told me you would be here forever because I believed it.


Life is so fragile, so short, so fast-moving that you cannot afford not to say the things you genuinely want to say. You are not sure when you will die, so go out there and say the things you have left unsaid until now.


Always choose your happiness before anyone else. If you cannot love yourself, no one else can. Happiness is a job that starts from the inside.

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Being lonely would never kill me, but often, I genuinely wish it would so I could escape all the pain.


I wanted to let you go for far too long, but I cannot take the thought of you moving away from me.


Great things come from the smallest of things if one remembers how to pay attention to details.


The problem is that I keep on finding the right person at the very wrong time of my life.


Sometimes, silence is even louder than a scream.


You used to make time for being with me, always, but now everything has changed.


People change, constantly and there is not a single thing you can do about it.


When I sleep, when I am feeling sad, it does not end the feeling, but it gives me a bit of an escape from reality.


Remember this: when the time comes that you are going to fall in love, you need to be prepared for the pain.


Hate is such an ugly emotion; it eats the core of someone’s soul. It destroys a person until nothing but a rotten vessel is left.


A relationship is meant for two persons. The problem is that people forget the act of counting and keep on loving more than one.


You cannot keep on living your life putting up with other people’s standards. Just be true to yourself and let them love you.


Most of the time, I want to be alone, on my own, with no one to see me or care for me because then, no one would be able to hurt me as well.


When people ask me, Are you okay? I smile and say I am, but deep inside me, I just want to shut the whole world.


Do you not find it annoying when you are at the point when you are so angry, then you burst into angry tears because you are not sure what to do anymore?


I did not know that being empty inside would feel as if I was carrying a heavyweight.


People say they want to be gone all the time when in reality, what they want to do most is to be found by anyone.


I hate goodbyes; it is not as if there is anything good in them; you just watch as people leave you, and then they never come back in return.


Do you want to know the truth? It kills me on the inside when you do not talk to me, when you go on with your life as if I never existed and when you keep on telling me you care when you do not care enough to bother asking me if I am alright.


Eating is good; it takes away all the sadness I feel.


I cannot bring back the past no matter how hard I try, so all I can assure you is that I will not repeat the same mistakes. Is that good enough to bring you back to my side?


I remember staying up late to talk with each other over the phone, hiding under my blanket so that no one would see the light and then covering my face with a pillow so no one would hear me laugh as we joked around. Then one day, I woke up, and it was as if all those late-night phone conversations never happened at all.


Do you know what you left me with? Scars that will be forever unseen because they are right here in my heart.


Listening to music used to be one of my favourite things to do until you came and broke my heart. After that, it only became a reminder of how bad I felt hurt, and the words became knives that sliced at my heart every time I listened to what used to be our favourite songs.


My only wish is that someday, I can forget all the pain you have caused me and the happy memories we once shared.


I guess it does hurt me to see that you are happy, and I am not the one making you smile.


Honestly, I know you do not deserve my tears; many people have told me the very same thing. So I asked myself why I keep on crying over you just because you left me to fend off for myself when I needed you the most.


To tell the truth: I do not want people to forget me and think that I never existed. I want to leave my mark, even if they are trails of broken hearts that I stepped upon.


I got it; you like to ignore me as if I do not exist. That’s okay; I’m used to being invisible anyways.