The 60 Adorable Quotes

Hearing adorable quotes is fun.
It somehow gives people something to smile about even amid all the challenges and problems this world brings.
So here are some of the adorable quotes that can surely put a smile on your face.

Beauty is the exact opposite of perfection. It is all about charisma, character and confidence.

It is adorable to have that someone in your life that can put a smile on your face even if they are not around.

Do not ever allow anyone to dull your sparkle.


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Some people know that they look adorable, all that they do is smile and dress well, and they will get the best out of that.

Why can’t I be that adorable one?

I know I am blessed because I am healthy, loved and have an adorable family.

There are just so many beautiful reasons to be happy about.

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Life is too short to be worrying about stupid stuff. So have fun. Never regret anything, and do not allow people to bring you down.

The tongue may have no bones, but it is strong enough to break one’s tricky. So always be careful with your words.

A gentleman must always remind his lady that she has a lot of things that other women do not have, and that is his heart.

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Life is not all about waiting for the great storm to end, but it is about learning how to dance even amid the rain.

Friendship is not all about whom you have known the longest, but it is who has walked into your life and will tell you they love you and will make sure to prove it.

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Oh, why do you have to be so adorable that people like me cannot just ignore?

Life is too short to spend worrying about nonsense things. So cheer up, have fun and look around. You will realize that there are so many reasons to be happy.

Others say that I am just being sensitive, but the truth is that I feel too much. Every word, every action and energy goes straight into my heart.

The rule is not to be boring. You should dress cute wherever you will go. Remember that life is too short, so make the most of it by not blending in.

Do not try to act what you are not. If you are nervous, then let them know you are worried. If you feel shy, then be shy.

Being adorable is when one’s personality will shine through their looks. So each time you see them, you want to run towards them and hug them.

People would see me as someone adorable, but I am honestly more than that.

Tell me I am clever. Tell me I am cute. Tell me I am adorable. But make sure to tell me only the truth.

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Cute accessories will always help bring out the best in you, so dress well and pull it all together.

Some days I think I look kind of adorable, but there are those days when I want to avoid the mirror.

My ideal date would have to be funny, adorable, cute and sweet.

I would rather go for cute, quirky and nerdy boys instead of those who take themselves very seriously.

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It’s fun to be the cute, adorable little one. I find it hard to grow out of this fact.

There may be many adorable puppy dogs out there, but it will not stop people from getting a Doberman.

It would help if you learned to respect everyone’s feelings, even though it will not mean anything to you. You never know that it could mean a lot of things to them.

If God brings you into it, then remember that he will get you through it.


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You always make me laugh even if I do not want to smile.

Love makes our friends a little lovelier. Joy makes our hearts a bit lighter. Faith makes our paths clearer. Hope makes our lives brighter. Most of all, peace brings us all together.

A wise person understands that there is something that can be learned from everyone.

Friendship is not about whom you have known the longest. But it is who walked into your life and stayed there for good.

Some people would see relationships as video games. They play them, and when they feel like getting bored, they will end up cheating.

Be a good person at all times and do not waste time trying to prove it.

Your smile is the most adorable I have seen in my whole life.

It is sweet when someone can remember every little thing about you. Not because you remind them often, but because they always pay attention.

Your smile looks adorable on you, so please wear it more often.

Someday, someone will look at you with a sparkle in their eyes, something that you have never seen in your whole life. Then they will look at you like you are everything they have been looking for their entire lives, so patiently wait for it.

You have to promise me that you will never forget that you are way better than what you believe in and stronger than you seem. But most of all, smarter than what you think.

Life is just really simple. It is the people who insist on making it complicated.

Someday, you will find that one person who will be happy to watch every sunrise with you.

Some boys don’t realize how much one little thing could hurt a girl most.

Small changes can certainly make a huge difference.

It would help if you woke up stronger every day than yesterday. Face your fears bravely and wipe away your tears.

She is hurt mentally and emotionally. But every day, she walks with her head up high and a smile on her face. Cause that is just who she is – the girl who never stopped smiling.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure that it makes you happy.

I do it because I know I can. I can because I want to. I want to because you said I could not.

I do not regret anything in my life, even if my past is filled with so many heartaches and pain. I still look back on my old life and smile because it made me who I am today.

I did not say I love you so that I could hear it back. I said it just to make sure that you know.

As always, wrong persons seem to teach us the right lessons in life.

You are such an adorable cupcake in a world that’s filled with muffins.

Try to be kind at all times, even to those who are unkind. Unkind people needed to hug the most.

Smile and leave them wondering why you are still smiling despite all these challenges.

Doing what you love is freedom. Learning to like what you do is happiness.

I am in charge of how I feel today, and I choose to be happy.

Today will be the oldest that you have been and also the youngest that you will ever be.

Promises can mean everything, but after these promises are broken, sorry will mean nothing.

A bad attitude is just like a flat tire. You cannot go anywhere until you decide to change it.

Rumours are often made by haters and spread by fools, yet, accepted by idiots.

Let your past make you a better person and not bitter.

Taking off your bra at the end of an extremely long day is quite possibly one of the best feelings ever.

Some people need a high five right in their face.

Any day that will start with a lay cannot be all that bad.

Chocolate will not ask you silly questions. Chocolate understands.

In the buffet of life, it is our friends who are our desserts.

The fact that bunnies exist proves that everything is just going to be okay in the end.

Others hold hands when they sleep so they will not end up floating away from each other.

Please know that you are the only person I want to fall asleep to and wake up to every day.

My love for you shines stronger than any of the brightest stars out there. Not even a violent rainstorm can put out my fiery torch love for you.

I do not want to be alone. All I want is to be with you and no one else. You make me feel so cute.

Maybe it’s true that we do not know what we have until we have lost it. But perhaps it is also true that we do not know what we are missing until we find it.

He grabbed her gently in his arms, and that was all she ever needed to feel safe.

I am in my bed. You are in your bed. One of us is in the wrong place.

The most adorable smiles can hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes might have cried a lot of tears. The kindest hearts may have gone through the most painful experience in life.

I will never forget that moment that I realized I was actually in love with you.

Do you want to know the truth? I like you very much. You make me so happy, and your smile alone can brighten even my darkest days.

You are within me, and you are always with me. I’ll see you wherever I go. It’s maybe because there is nothing else in this world of love except only you and me.