Excuses quotes


The problem is that most people try to think of excuses as a way out of things. You make excuses when you do not want to go to an event and in a way it makes it a long way of lying. You see, excuses are basically lying or trying to wheedle your way out when you have already given your word. It is okay to use excuses from time to time but eventually you will run out of excuses and you will realize that it is not good to use excuses in the first place. Here are some quotes about excuses to help you understand what excuses entails in the long run. …More

Effort quotes


Everyone has the desire to be prosperous and have a future that is worthwhile. However, there comes a time when we realize that in order to achieve our dreams, we must put in a lot of effort to that. Effort is more than just investing what we already have but instead to contribute what we know by putting everything that we have inside of us, body and soul. With effort, we can actually do a lot of great things. Here are some quotes about effort to motivate you.


Done trying quotes


There comes a time when you just want to give up simply because you are done with everything. You are done trying, you simply just want to forget everything. You think it is no longer worth it and that is the reason you have decided that you are done trying. Everyone else is getting into their lives but you do not want to keep going on a dead end, so you no longer try. For those people who are just done trying, here are some quotes about being done trying to help you out. …More

Community quotes


We are all part of a community, maybe not the same one but a part of one. Thus, this means that in a community, there is a common goal or at least one commonality that makes a group of people a community. Whatever that is, the point is that we can have it, a community wherein peace resonates all through the four walls of it. A community is held together by the governing body that it has. Here are some community quotes that should help you out understand it better. …More

Communication quotes


One of the most important things in the world would be proper communication for without it, we are all going to misunderstand one another. With communication comes a room for improvement and all in all, for peace. No one wants a world without communication because it is pointless. There are a lot of different types of communication, even without saying a thing you can actually have a communication with someone, it is all about perspective after all. Here are some communication quotes that should help out a lot when it comes to trying new things. …More

Christian marriage quotes


With the sanctity of the church, Christian marriage is something that a lot of people look forward to. After all, a Christian marriage means that you have finally found the person that you are willing to spend the rest of your life with. It is very sacred especially for religious people. Christian marriage is a sign that the Lord has given you the person that you are going to love for the rest of forever. It is said in Christian marriage vows that you will be together until even death parts you. Here are some quotes about Christian marriage that should help you understand it. …More

Cheating men quotes


Cheating men is probably what had scarred a lot of women and made them forget about the word love. These cheating men are what taints a person and makes her or him unable to love and trust once more. Once you encounter some cheating men, it is going to leave a mark on you, willing you not to trust someone easily anymore and it makes you feel like you are not valuable. You begin to ask yourself if you are worth it and you can blame cheating men for that. Well, here are some quotes about cheating men to help you out to say words you didn’t know you wanted to.


Ambition quotes


Every person has their own ambition in life, how they want to be in the future, what their dreams are. Ambition is one of the things that feeds us to be a better person, it is one of the things that makes us want to try better things. It is the fuel that we need to achieve a better standing in life, ambition that is. Ambition is very powerful indeed that it is able to do a lot of things. To the people who are trying to get their ambitions and goals to come true, here are some great quotes about ambition that should be able to inform you about ambition and what it can do for you. …More

Support Quotes


Sometimes, all that someone needs in this life is a person that will give him or her some support. When you are going through the toughest moments in your life, you want someone that will support you no matter what. Support is one of the most important things to have especially from the people you love. When you think that no one is there to support you, think twice and realize that there are actually people who will. Here are some support quotes to help you out as well. …More

Stress Quotes


Truth be told, stress sucks, it is a constant struggle and it is very hard to conquer. The problem is that stress comes from a lot of factors as well and that is why it is very hard to control at times too. The good thing is that there are a lot of ways that you can remove stress or at least try to minimize stress in life. You just have to play your cards right and everything would be fine. There is more to life than you think it is and this is why you must reduce stress. Here are some quotes about stress that should help you out in the long run. …More

Rainbow Quotes


You may think of these colors right now – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. It is mesmerizing that this can somehow define your personality or your mood or whatever you may think right at this moment. It is cool that we can express our thoughts with just a pure color and other people may understand us right away. …More

New Mom Quotes


It is the first time that you can finally witness the moment that you are waiting for – the beautiful child in your arms with the sweetest beauty like an angel. For the past nine months, you are wondering what it would like, and now, you could not believe it is happening. You give everyone your lovely smile while you slowly feel the pain and the fears wash away with this great moment of cradling your child in your loving arms. …More

Manipulation Quotes


And in the middle of this life, someone is bound to use some manipulation tricks on you that you would not even notice at all. Or you would use some manipulation at one point as well. Whatever the case or the reason for your manipulation, you are going to go through with it and life will be a little bit exciting or not. It all depends on what you, manipulation trick that you will try out. For those who are planning to do some manipulation, you should do. Here are some quotes about manipulation that you might be able to relate to, somehow. …More

Hairstylist Quotes


Your hair is one of the most vital parts of your body, it is something important as it affects how you present yourself to others. This is why your hairstylist is also someone that is very special. There is that one hairstylist that just gets what you want and there is another type of hairstylist that just do not get it no matter how hard you try to explain. Here are some quotes about your hairstylist that you might be interested in or that you can show to your friends. …More

Diversity Quotes


We are born from a different kind of womb and connected by different umbilical cords, but we know that we are united somehow with our blood, citizenship, and perspective in life. We may never understand each other from different parts of the world or even aware of the existence about each other, but we are sure that we are living in the same world with the same outlook of living own’s life and bringing the best for his or her personal growth. We strive to become the better person despite the challenges in the future. …More

Dedication Quotes


This moment is the thing that you have been waiting for tonight. You want to keep an eye on the prize, so you did everything that you can. Now, the hard work is paid off because you can finally get the thing that you genuinely wish in your life. Isn’t it amazing that your dedication can make you experience that you want? You can check these quotes, and somehow you may see some related things in your life while you exclaim to yourself that statement of ‘hey, that is me!’. …More

Burning Bridges Quotes


There are times when you come across a certain situation in this life when you need to decide to burn bridges with someone in your life instead of staying. When you are going to be burning bridges, you put a complete end in your relationship with that person. May it be your friend, family, employer or your partner, burning bridges is going to bring a lot of pain to you as well as to the other person. However, you can’t get out of it because you have a reason for doing it in the first place. Here are some burning bridges quotes that should help you feel it even more. …More

Tequila Quotes

Tequila Sunrise

It is best to drink when you know that you want to drown yourself in the unknown space and forget the world for just a little moment. It feels good that you experience the dizziness that may have been different on your college examinations or workload in the office. Every drop can make you think and say that it never been the same ever since you drink your first shot. Now, you can browse these quotes as you may somehow relate and drink it up with your wine glass. …More

Step Parent Quotes


Every child in this world has parents that guide them from the time of their birth until they could walk on their own path. Parents are special gifts of God so we can’t choose them nor replaced them.But every family has imperfections and flaws. When family story isnot success, step family or step parents come in. Unlike step parents usually depicted in movies, they could be loving and supportive as our biological parents. The following Step parent quotes could help us appreciate them and love them more. Enjoy! …More

Newlywed Quotes


You would not believe it, that you are now actually wearing a ring on your finger and the pictures all over the bed are real. You look at the face of the love of your life, and you know that it feels surreal to find the one for you. You know that you would forever treasure these memories and continue to smile for the days to come. …More