Cowboy quotes

Being a cowboy is one thing. Being attracted to a cowboy is another.
Whatever you are feeling, whether you are a cowboy or you have taken a liking to a cowboy, I hope that you know who he is and what you want to do with him.
If not, get to know more about a cowboy or what to say to a cowboy with these cowboy quotes that will surely help you express yourself better so that you would not stutter around.
After all, confidence has always been the key to all things.

A cowboy always prides himself in knowing which is the right direction to go wherever he is.

Real men also cry. They also show emotion like women do, only a bit subtler that is the truth.


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He is being out there on the ranch and having a good time getting down old and getting down dirty.

I love the feeling of the mud in my boots, filling it up until I need to muck out some stalls too.

Mostly, a cowboy thinks that there is no hour wasted in his life when he spends it on the saddle.


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He is loyal to me, loves horses, and has calloused hands and dirty boots all the time.

I wish I could show people just how proud I am of you and what you have made of your life too.

You love your horse as much as you love other people, and I think that says a lot about you.

Saddle up because this wild cowboy is meant to take you in for a good ride, believe me on it.


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There is nowhere else I would want to be at right now but here to watch you ride your horse.

I think it is sweet knowing you have specific communication with your horse right now, boy.

I can think of the best place to mend a broken heart is right here, saddled up on my old horse.

If you have some cowboy boots, you are hiding inside your closet, and you might as well use them.

I never take the first shot. I have my pride and ego to handle making sure of that.

I would never cheat and take an unfair advantage. I have my dignity, always being at stake.

Bad relationship quotes

All these scars running up and down my arms are proof of great stories I have yet to tell you.

For now, I believe that getting the best out of you is what I am going to do, so be prepared.

There is no better place now for a cowboy but right on his horse, riding all day long.

A typical cowboy would love some brawling, along with the side occasion of a good drink too.

When I take you, you will forget every man that you have ever been within your life.

Believe me when I say that I like it rough, for these big hands of mine will show no mercy.

I have been known to brawl, but I always do it for a good reason not to show off my power.

The best description would be blood, boots, hat, mud, glory and a good old horse.

There is always a story to tell; I have been known to conjure up a story or two quite easily.


I wish I could tell you that no matter what happens, I am willing to stay beside you as I am now.

There is nothing I would change about you, your booming voice, your strong hands, nothing.

I love the way you would look at me with love and adoration, looking like a rugged man too.

I think a cowboy has it easy, only having to ride a horse and get the girls all attracted to him.

That ruggedness that I can see in you is one of the reasons why I fell so madly in love with you.

I wish that I could tell you that you are the one person who made me feel that I am so special.

It does not get any better than this, being with a cowboy and knowing that he is in love too.

That scar on my forearm is of the one time that I fought with a bear, right there in the forest.

I cannot say that I am a good rider; I must show you and show you I will wait for it.

Being in my profession, I have learned the art of waiting, of being patient for things to come.

I wish that I could meet a cowboy even just once in this life to see him ride a horse.

We are all trying to fit in someplace, searching for that peace, but we must not.

You see, there is a beauty in riding a horse, the trust that is shared between the two of you.

I love my horse, and my horse loves me, and I do not think I would rather have anything else.

I am already as happy now as long as I have someone loyal to me, though it may be a horse.

I wish little else but that a cowboy would come into my home and sweep me off my feet.

A cowboy is not one to give up even when the rest of the world tries to tell him it’s hopeless.

The truth is that most people will hurt you; they will kick you off their lives.

Sometimes, it is easier to deal with horses than people, and they are far more considerate.

I would never step into someone else’s territory; I tend to respect spaces and boundaries too.

I would very much like a good cowboy to come sniffing at me for love that I’m willing to give.

As someone in this line of work, I tend to keep my word as it is my bread and my butter.

I have tons of stories worth telling if someone is willing to listen to me as I weave them now.

A real cowboy knows what love and being hurt is but does not feel shame over it.

Let me ride that horse, let me show people the best that I can be, that I can show off as well.

You do not want to see me mad and get past my breaking point, and you would not like it.

By the type of horse I would ride, you could tell right away if I am real or not.

The truth is that though a cowboy looks happy, underneath, there is still some grief as well.

I respect women as much as I tend to respect my horse, with manners and love.

I can ride a horse all day without getting tired of it; that is just how much I love them as well.

When a cowboy gives up his hat and his boots, there may have been some good reason for it.

The truth is that all I want is to be with my horse and a good old bottle of beer right now, girl.

I have no time for girls, especially those too demanding; I’m satisfied with my life now.

Besides riding and eating, I do not do much else; I think this is just the way my life needs.

I wish to meet a cowboy and tell him that I admire what he has made of himself now.

I do not think I can take the last ride of my life, and I was born on this horse, made for it.

As others have eyes to mirror their soul, my horse mirrors mine, I like seeing my horses fly.

I do not go breaking around the hearts of people as other people tend to tell the world.

When you are but an aspiring cowboy, you need to be ready to hurt falling off of a horse, boy.

I am but just another lost boy, trying to find my rightful place in this world that I am in too.

It does not matter where I live, and my heart will always belong with the farm, with horses as well.

I think I have a sense of belonging wherever there may be a horse; that is about it now.

Through age, a cowboy gets better and better, friendlier and also more rugged as well.

The truth is that people hurt each other all the time, unlike horses, who do not mean it at all.

Well, one apple makes a horse happy, but on the other hand, one can make a human greedy.

I think that rugged cowboy look is what has got the ladies all hooked and besotted with you.

Best Cowboy Quotes with Images


There is always a good reason for riding a horse; find a good reason if you do not want it.

I have always enjoyed being on a horse, answering its demands, knowing what to do next.

A cowboy always has mud in his boots and is not ashamed of it. That is the truth of it now.

Some people find their place, others do not, but it is a matter of knowing and belonging.

I will be able to conquer the world one horse at a time at this rate I am going now.

I would never take something that already belongs to someone else, and my pride is too immense for it.

Ride it now, cowboy and show them who is the boss in a deserted place like this; show it now.

I have guts and my horse, and I think that alone is enough to survive everything else.

I think I deserve a good hot meal and a woman willing to warm my bed at night.

I wanted to be someone that I was not only to end up being who I was supposed to be.

I have a heart that aches when they hurt me; I hope they will realize it as well.

You are one of the most brutal and most handsome cowboys in this town, and I am proud of you.