Lies quotes

When someone lies to you, it is something like a punch in the gut.
You see, lies tangle, lies build webs around you until you can no longer move freely around.
When you say some lies, you get caught up in them until you eventually get found out.
Telling lies is something that is almost as bad as cheating or infidelity for couples.
Lies are the very foundation you can have if you want a relationship that would crumble as quickly as it was built.
Through lies, you are taking the dark side over the light.
Here are some quotes about lies that should help you figure it out.

The most important thing is not to be telling those lies to yourself above all the people you do.

Those false things you said to me were not only evil, but they were also very infectious as well, sadly.


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And it hurts me most that even after all that wrong thing you told me, I still love you the same.

I guess love blinds people well because I did not see all your lying to me.

If I were to choose, I would have picked the bitter truth instead of those sugary false lies.

It was not evil as much as killing someone, but it is probably quite as deadly as that in the end.

I do not want to permit myself to love you when I know you will be lying to me too.

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The very person who lies to his own would come to a point no longer knowing which is true.

I find it so much easier than ever to accept you, but in the end, all you did was wrong for me.


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There is so much to this world than what people know, especially when it is built-in wrongs.

I wish you would find it shameful when you have been telling so many untruths to me.

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The man who then lies to himself would no longer be able to respect himself and others.

The worst kind of lying is when you are trying to tell me something unreal with a purpose.

The ability to make a profit on someone else’s through some untruths is the worst kind of lying.

The thing about lying is that it can increase a person’s creativity but expand his ego too.

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All I wish was to lessen the friction between us, but you lied to me real good now.

And when you spout of those lies, you forget everything you were ever made of; you cease to.

You should forget about saying you love me when your mouth is filled with only lies now too.

Lies also require some commitment, to stick with them as long as you are alive and willing.

The best type of person is someone who is always honest and does not tell those wrong things.

When you make up those stories to suit what you need, that is the worst thing ever in this life.

I genuinely detest the person who hides so much in that heart of his and then tells me other things.

Those untruths you have told me were the worst of it; I wish you could only go back right now.

When you tell so many lies, you become waver and start believing the same lies you have said.

And in the end, the worst of it was taken by you when you told me that lie that you loved me.

The thing is that that bit of deviation from the real thing makes all the difference here.

The truth, for one thing, has the endurance; it will last longer than any lying you will ever do.

And when you are afraid, I understand that you like to tell those lies because you do not know.

The sad thing is that many people tell those lies even when they come apart relatively quickly.

You get scared, you are afraid of many things, and that is how you take comfort in lying.

You grow more robust, and that is the best thing ever until you figure out to lie your way through.

Thou shall not steal someone else’s right to know the truth because that is what matters most.

You do not cover the truths because that is the worst of it; you should maintain integrity.

I do not understand how people live knowing that they have told so many lies in life,

Through being honest, you not only get integrity but also get something against your reputation.

The sad truth is that lying even just once would destroy everything you worked hard for.

You intend to deceive someone else that makes you want to speak falsely of things.

And the sad part is that you are willing to injure the neighbour to get to where you want.

This world is filled with people that tell lies, and it is tough to know which is honest now.

Do you not think that your very dignity as a person is annihilated once you start lying too?

I think the person we practice our lying to is ourselves, which makes all the difference.

If you permit yourself to lie even just once, you open yourself to the risk of doing it over too.

Once you taste what lying is, it eventually becomes a big habit you do often then.

I do not even get to trust people anymore, for I am too busy seeing through all their lies too.

May you know when it is right, not just spew off nonsense whenever you possibly can.

For some lie to be successful, then it must be planned thoroughly and be committed sincerely.

You must maintain a good relationship with people, and lying is not of that.

I do not believe people anymore, for beyond the truth lies every word of untruth as well.

If you want to escape, do not try to find it by lying to the people important to you by this time.

At this age, you should know that lying does not bring anything good in your life, not at all.

You carry away the good things by lying instead of bringing them in; that is the truth of it too.

The lies you have told will someday make their way back to you and come back to you tenfold.

I hope you start believing me because you want to do so and not because you need to.

When a liar starts to get the hang of things, he must never get old, so would the lie he told.

And what is even worse is that I tried to make things happen only to fail at lying.

You do not say those lies, or so you said, but not telling the truth is lying just as well.

The people who are bad at lying are my type of friends; I do not like liars nor tolerate them.

I will never get the point of lying to someone you love; how can people do it?

Those lies have wings and can travel a mile or so, and then who knows what happens next?

The more you try to defend the reason why you have been lying, the angrier you ought to be.

We have all told a lie at one point in our life, but we have to make it worth it; I guess that is it.

All people want is to live a stress-free life, so why be lying when that adds even more drama?

You say that you are okay with it because lies won’t hurt anyone; well, it just did; I was hurt.

The thing is, while your lying may save you now, it will not prevent bad things to happen then.

The art of falsehood is elementary, and people do it all the time; how profound that is.

How can you tell those lies so straightly onto my face when I was nothing but kind to you?

I wish that you would examine your words well once more so that you will find evidence.

I know how much you wanted to be all you can be, yet here you are, stuck at lying.

When a murder happens, and you are the sole witness, how can you attempt at lying then?

And every single one of those lies was like knives stabbing me one by one, slow & painful.

And in a way, statistics are but another big lie that people tell about, and it is just truly sad.

The punishment for a liar is that he begins to believe himself as it goes; he tells his story.

No longer being able to believe anyone for fear that they are lying because you had been.

What a pity to the liar that he was discovered just before it was getting really good on it.

Lies, I heard it from your mouth from the very start, but I told myself to forget it, my bad.

You do not need to tell them deliberately; what you need to do is to stop lying altogether.

Though you may have deceived people, I believe that you will find someone you cannot try to.

I wonder if liars have a code of ethics that they follow, like when to lie and when not to do so.

The secret to staying happy is by telling the obvious and backing it up by the not so.

It was stupid of me to believe that you could ever get away without telling any lies now.

A wise person knows that there is no point in telling a lie, not now or ever.

In bed, you are way caught up in all the lies you told me; you have nothing to say by this time.

The faults lie sincerely on me forever, believing a word you have ever said; that is the reality.