Dream Catcher Quotes

Dreams have been part of our human life.
We dream as we sleep, dream as we walk and dream as we rest.
Most of us believe that dreams occur for a reason and goals do come true.
Moreover, we believe that dreams are magical and powerful.
The ancestors created a ” Dream Catcher ” to protect our dreams from bad ones and catch the only good ones; the ancestors created something called “Dream Catcher”.
Here are some inspiring dream catcher quotes that will indeed bring you to the magical world of dreams.

You might win or lose in all your fights. But in the end, at least you tried. That’s the best part.

Please don’t live in a world full of I cant’s. Live in a world where everything is possible.

Dream catcher taught me one thing-be confidence that you can catch your dreams.


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What we dream may appear unsatisfying before our eyes. But learned to accept and move on.

Follow your dreams. It may be a path of struggles and pain, but it will be satisfying in the end.

Don’t stop walking, for you can always meet your success at the end of the road.

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The more we dream, the more we become realistic. Because we know it’ll happen someday.

Just keep dreaming. Bad dreams may stop you, but still, you have to fight and continue.

Believe me; you’re going to get through it and manage to tell how you overcome it.

Let your dreams guide you through the path you think is right.

Make each dream catcher an instrument for your dream and success.

When the time comes, you go astray reaching your dreams; just dream once again.

We can’t always have the things we want. But we can always dream the things we want.

Be satisfied with what you have. But it’s not forbidden to dream more prominent for the things you want.

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A fish can fly if he wants to. And you can be whatever if you’re going to.

Don’t spoil someone else’s dreams. You can be her dream catcher or supporter.

It never takes wealth or state in life to dream the essential things in the world.

What’s the purpose of your dreams if you’re going to settle for less?

We deserve only the best if we work hard. We deserve the greatest dream if we fight for it.

Dreaming is priceless. Dream catcher won’t, but it will motivate you to crave more.

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Your dream is worth to wait but don’t stop dreaming. Dream catchers help you desire.

Sometimes you have to let your dreams be big and loud so the world can hear you.

You dream because you want to prove yourself to the world. Do your best to be recognized.

Don’t wait for the apple to fall into the tree. Climb it up like you wanted to reach for your dreams.

Dream catcher helps you to taste the sweetness of success.

Your dream is as precious as the gold. Don’t let someone take it away from you.

We dream with a dream catcher, and it’s time for us to make it come true, even piece by piece.

Dreams come out naturally to the people who want to be the ‘change’ in this world.


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Keep going. No matter what comes in your way, use your dream as your weapon.

Use a dream catcher to block all the bad things in life. It works.

I am a dreamer. But also a believer. Dream catcher helps, but hard work will be best.

You should see the person I have become because I had been a dreamer.

Giving up is not in the vocabulary of the dreamers. But DREAM does.

There’s always a chance and a possibility for every little thing in the world.

Dream catcher may be minor, but it catches all the positivity in this world.

Live like a dream catcher. Always strive for the good ones and don’t let the bad things enter.

Sometimes, what we dream may not happen. But there are always better things waiting upon us.

Imagine what the world could be when we are blind by the millions of luminous dreams of ours.

When you feel like giving up, all you have to do is dream again and make it happen.

Even though we’re not sleeping, what we have in reality, is a tragic nightmare.

Let your feet take you to the boulevard where your dreams won’t fall apart.

Put your trust in God that He only wants what’s the best for us.

God is like a dream catcher; He won’t let us have a nightmare.

In a dream, there’s magic, and in reality, there’s a tragedy.

Without a dream, without goals and ambitions, what makes us going? What keeps us fighting?

The lost can be found. The strays can go back to their home. Thus, the dream can be reached.

Don’t make your dreams invisible. Make it bigger than anybody else.

Make your dream catcher catch everyone’s dream. Make it remembered by everybody.

There’s nothing certain in this world. A dream does but could make it happen.

We may fall apart and stumble down before we learn how to fly to reach for our dreams.

Look beyond what the world could offer. Reach your dreams beyond the tragic impossibility.

My dream catcher catches you every night. And it is a beautiful dream of love.

A dream catcher is proof that we can reach our goals whatever we want in our lives.

We don’t dream. We should make it come true through hard work and determination.

We can always dream about what’s beyond in this world. Therefore, we should stretch our hands.

Don’t forget how to dream. Because having a dream is what makes us who we are as a person.

I may be nothing. But my dream is as grand as the dazzling piece of diamond.

Life is just a simple puzzle. Pick up the pieces of your dreams, and you can create success.

Some people dream of escaping the tragic world and the cruel reality.

Dreams serve as a piece of inspiration to keep us going to the path full of expectations.

Life is better when you have a dream. For life is a harsh truth, and dreams are a comfort zone.

I’d rather dream an impossible thing than be nothing at all.

I do believe in dream catchers, for they keep my dreams alive.

Dream catcher makes us believe that life is better to have a dream.

We can dream. Therefore, we also can make it come true.

We can’t choose what we dream. But we can always decide whether to make it happen or not.

Dream tonight. So that we can make it happen as the sun reappears in the sky.

What we see may not be there. What we dream of may not always appear before our eyes.

Nothing will happen if we sit and wait for things to come. Dream first, then work for it. Dream a dream. Start with sands and water. And you can build a castle if you work hard for it.

We should see ourselves as dream catchers. Let good things invade our souls, not the bad ones.

We can dream until the end of the world; nothing can stop us.

Dream a little longer. Find what your purpose is. And always give the best in you.

Believe in your dreams. The good ones may not yet come.

Just remember that good things happen to those who wait. Trust your dream catcher.

Learn how to appreciate the art of dreaming. Because without a dream, what makes us significant?

Our dreams are our compass through the road to success. A dream catcher is our tour guide.

Some dreams are telling us that life isn’t bad at all and can be beautiful sometimes.

Dreams are fragile that may shatter and break into pieces. But it is always grand and new.

Dream until the end of time because nothing in this world is as accessible as to dream.

We dream of different things. But we have the same goal-make it beyond reality.

There’s no comparison between fantasy and reality in dreams, for nothing matters.

Good dreams make us a dreamer; bad dreams make us stronger. Take both as a challenge.

Take your time to dream. But don’t forget to take the courage to make it alive and complex.

Every one of us should have a kite of dreams and ambitions flying so high.

In every dream you make, don’t forget to involve the persons you want to be part of it.

Hold your dream and never let go of it. Take the path you believe is right.

Let your dreams shower your inspirations. Good or bad, take every bit of it as a foundation.

Maybe this isn’t the right time to make your dreams come true. Life won’t be bad forever.

When you have a dream, don’t hesitate to offer your heart and mind to make it come true.

A dream catcher is real. For all the bad things that passed me by, you’re the only one who stayed.

Colour your dreams. That’s how you will show how you live your life.

We might fail in achieving our goals. But take that as an inspiration to strive harder.

Hold your dream tighter than anything else. The more you hold on, the closer you are to it.

Don’t lose your fight in making your dreams come true—just a little push to pull through.

The ride in this world is a wild one. Don’t lose hope in your dreams. You can make it.

Don’t let your bad dreams take you down. Believe that dream catcher will stop it.

Use every horrible dream as a stepping stone to reach for the good ones.

Build your wings. Fly high so that you can touch the clouds so that you can reach your goals.

Keep your faith in your hands. If your dreams are meant for you, they will come across—your road.

Imagine ourselves in a sunny land when our dreams shine above anything else.

Don’t be scared to fight for your dreams. It’s always worth fighting for.

We may have a bad dream tonight. But tomorrow will be different. Reasonable goals are yet to come.

A dream catcher works if you have a strong belief in yourself.

Let yourself be a dream catcher for everyone. Help them make it happen and block bad things.

Dream catcher catches all the bad dreams, but why does it see a lovely girl like you.

Dream catcher makes me a firm believer; it makes me optimistic and dream high.

Dream catcher protects our sleep and our dreams. It gives us hope and positivity.

I want to be your dream catcher- the protector of your dreams.