End of Relationship Quotes


It is not always a nice moment, that end of relationship feeling.
Sometimes, you reach the end of a relationship in the most unexpected ways.
It is sad; it can be a bit disorienting as well.
Sometimes, the end of a relationship feels so surprising and so painful as well.
If you are going through a breakup, here are some end of relationship quotes that might help you get better.


We have reached the end of a relationship that we used to treasure so much that it still hurts.


Though we have reached this point of breaking up, I still think every second was worth it all.


If I were given a chance to start over, I would gladly do so with you, for I love you still now.

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This marks the end, and as much as I hate it, we must both accept that this is for the better too.


I want to tell you that this was meant to happen at one point in our lives, but it did so now.


I wondered when it would be our end of the relationship, but now we are both hurt.



I would never have expected that we would get here, yet here we are, saying our goodbye.


I never wanted to see you go, but we must face reality and face that we no longer fit now.


Though what we had was real, it is time to move on and realize that sometimes love won’t last.


We all face hardships, and it is just some relationships do not survive while others have and will.


Bad relationship quotes


I thought I had forgotten what it felt like to end a relationship, but it is still fresh now.


I will never regret what we had, for it is an excellent experience for both of us that is the truth.


It was a great thing that I was with you, but now it must come to an end; we must forget it.


We had to say our goodbyes to each other through it hurt, though we were waiting for it to go.


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Though we have had our end of a relationship, I still love you; all the same, it was worth it all.


It was a great experience that I would not exchange for anything in this world, my dear.


I thought I was strong, holding on to you, but I was more potent when letting you go now.



I wanted to be with you for as long as possible, but there is no saying when you wanted.


And it was apart you wanted to change this challenge, and so I gave just that to you, away.


Even the best things in this life can fall apart as we are now at the end of a relationship, love.


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Though some relationships tend to end, they would not finish what you have right now as well.


People try to find the best things with the wrong people only to end up failing so badly too.


The thing is not about finding the perfect person, which is why so many relationships end.


We had an early end, you and I, though we thought we could have been the best for each other.


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I used to think we would never get to the end of a relationship so fast, but no here we are, sadly.


We must celebrate this moment, though it is hard, that we are finally free from what we had.


I want to evolve; I want to go through a series of being myself as of now as well.


The best thing that I have learned from you is that I can still survive after you too.

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I let my world revolve around you when I should not have, so now I am suffering alone.


There are no more actual words, but now our end of a relationship is just too sad and painful.


Death should not end as it is now, but I wanted it to be then, realizing I am worth it.


I will live my life, even without you here by my side. That is the path I must take from now on.


I would never let anyone take so much out of me again, and I promise to put myself first.


I wish we never got here to end a relationship, but it is something that we must do for us both.

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For now, I have to tell myself that I can do this; I can start something from nothing.


I will go back to the old days when I haven’t met you just yet, and I will be as happy as I can.


The end that we had was not the greatest, but it had taught me a great deal. That is the truth.


I love you, and I want you to know that though we are now at the end of our relationship, dear.


When people suggest that I can play it tough, I tell them I want to play it real, ok?


When two people become one, I think the result in breaking up is half of them only, then.


It is sad when a relationship fails, but it is better to know it early on than later after marriage.


You were a once in a lifetime woman, but now we must say the end of the relationship for both of us.


I still think that someone will help me prove that love can last for a lifetime one day. It can.


The world will never be too big to find someone to love, and she might be right here now.


Look and see and realize that the world is better without him in it, and you were right to end it.


There is no unconditional love such as ours, as the end of the relationship starts now.


Believe me when I say things are better after taking it apart and moving it right in.


There are just things that are not meant to be, and you have to realize that early on in this life.


You changed, and so did I and I realized that we are just not made for each other, simple as it.


When we try to save something already dead, we will fail miserably; that is the sad part.


We have to sacrifice something at one point now. We need to end a relationship from now on.


You would not believe this, but someday, you will realize that ending it was for the better of us.


One sad thing in this life is that you meet someone and love him, then he leaves you hanging.


Life is not meant for you to be sad and sulk around; it is intended to be lived thoroughly now.


It is the now that matters, forget about the ending and look forward to the new beginning.


How do we end a relationship at this point when I love you too much even to let you go, girl?


We all deserve to be with the ones that make us happy, not the ones that make us miserable.


I think it was never you. It was always and has always been me and my drive to let things go.


It might be me, or you, whatever it is, it has now ended, and that is about it as well.


Friendship matters, but in the end, we often want to be by ourselves when we get genuinely hurt.


I would have never known we would reach this end of the relationship, but now we genuinely are.


I wish I could have known that we would still end this so I could have saved myself as well.


It hurts the knowledge that I can be someone better, but in the end, I gave all that I had for you.


I am just sad that we are here at the end of a relationship when we barely got to know love.


We always were ever-changing, which is why we try our best to cope with each other.


There is no love more significant than what we had, but even that had faded away after quite some time.


Though our life has ended, our life hasn’t let us go out there and find a new love for ourselves.


What we had was magical. It was beautiful, and yet here we are at the end of a relationship, girl.


The world is too big a place that we can still find more people to spend part of our lives with.


If your love broke apart when you least expected it to, maybe it was meant to break apart.


I need to tell you that we must stop what we have before it becomes more and more toxic now.


Boy, must we end the relationship ourselves when we can keep going when we still can?


People spend more than half their lives searching for love only to find the wrong one, sadly.


Your heart breaks when you find love, not for you, so let love find you up.


We assume that our partners love us enough to change for us, but it should not be that way.


The best way you can do things is if you behave the right way, do that.


If we can be in a relationship that never ends, maybe we would not grow as a person, I think.


The thing is that love eventually dies if the flame is not kept tended to, and that is truly sad.


I think the universe meant for us to let go and start something new with another person.


Maybe we are never meant for each other, and we were just told to be a lesson to one another.


I want to be with you until the end of the relationship if you allow me to do that for myself.


I know I was with you, agreeing to end what we had, but why did it make me feel so sad?


I thought that I knew what I wanted, and that was to stop what we had, but why does it hurt?