Top 35 Pretty Quotes


And one day, a pretty girl will come into your life and make you realize what you have been missing in your life.
Life will become a lot better after that, and you will most likely become pretty sure of yourself.
Here are some quotes about the pretty people who are going to get into your life and how they will change your life in ways you never thought possible.

You are such a pretty woman that I often forget that we can never be together forever.

When you came, everything changed, even my whole world, and I realized it would be okay.

You lifted me even when I was so low, and you make me feel like I’m important, somehow.


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How do I even begin to tell you how thankful I am that you made me feel like I can do things.

Who would have known that a girl like me could become someone renowned?

I found you in the middle of this life, and things began to matter more; I was no longer afraid.

I used to be a shadow until you brought me to the light; you do have a beautiful soul.

What you should look for in a person is not a pretty face but a beautiful heart.

And I’m afraid that things will not always go my way, but with you to stay, it’ll be all okay.

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I know that I will be just fine because you are here now, my beautiful lady, thanks.

What I need to remember is that things will always be good no matter what happens ahead.

Remember to look beyond that pretty façade and always see someone for who she is.

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And the truth is that natural beauty is in the eyes of the person looking upon her heart.

The best thing you can do to be as beautiful as possible is to smile, make it a real one at that.

The laughter in your eyes makes you attractive to other people above all else, dear.

There is not much to say. All I know is that I pretty much like you a lot, and I want you.

Keep yourself as happy as you can because the truth is that happy girls are the most attractive.

Take joy in living a life that is complete, and the best makeup you can wear is but a smile.

Not all who are cute to look at is dumb, and some are also wise but just silent most of the time.

I hope you would remain as pretty as you are right now, but even more so to be as kind.

Wisdom quotes

I am so done with being judged because of my appearance, and I swear I’ll be much better now.

The best thing you can do now is to be as happy as possible; only you can do that.

Cheer up and have confidence in yourself. That is what makes up for anything else you lack.

And for now, what you can do is try your best in everything out there, my lady.

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You might give me before any pretty trinkets, and I want to know that you care for me.

You are more than just your face, girl. You might as well show the world what you’re made of.

They say beauty is hidden deep inside the skin, but the truth is that it’s how you treat others.

Appearances can indeed be deceptive whom you perceive as kind may be hiding evil within.


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Forget about your looks and focus on having a kind and good heart. That’s what you need.

Maybe I am just pretty much hooked up with you already because I want to be with you.

You can still be gorgeous even as you grow old if you keep smiling most of the time, girl.

Your smile lifted my spirits; indeed, you have an attractive face, you have the best smile ever.

Your charm makes people attracted to you; no matter what happens, that’s the truth.

The gist of it is that no one can take away your charm while time can take away your youth.

Pretty girl, tell me that you care for me, show me that you are sure of yourself at this moment.

You have to be comfortable in your body. That is how you will be more confident with yourself.

As long as you do not care what other people think of you, you will be just fine.

What matters is that you do your best in everything and forget the rest of the world, girl.

I tell you now that it is the way you view things that will make you stand out from the crowd.

I am sure that life will give us some hard times, but I know we will survive this.

I think it is better if your beauty is reflected in how you treat other people with kindness.

For now, what you can do is this: pay your blessings forward and give your best always.

It is quite beautiful that you love yourself and that is just one of the things you must do.

We will get through this, and we will be together; I am pretty confident about this.

I look at you, and I see the most beautiful person in the world; you are truly unique, girl.

I love the way you carry yourself with confidence and grace; you amuse me in many ways.

Sometimes it takes pain to become yourself again, but this time only a lot better.

For now, what we can do is hope that this place is truly as pretty as it seems, my favourite.

You can improve, and that is what’s important, that you give it your all, no matter what.

Focus on the best moments of your life, and you will live a unique and wonderful life.

To get the best in what you are doing, you must give it your all, every single time.

Be happy; that is the only way you will survive every challenge life throws at you.

Will you tell her that she is pretty because she is the best girl I have seen in my life?

You might as well cheer yourself up because no one else will do that for you.

You need to embrace your past to become someone better in the future, my lady.

The problem is that she does not believe it when other people tell her how wonderful she is.

She has pain hidden beneath her skin, and all she ever really wanted was to feel alive again.

Though it seems that pretty much everything in life is so hard right now, we will be okay.

You have such a pretty voice, and I have no doubts that you have gotten everyone hooked on you.

She walks a thin line between ice and fire, and I think she should have what she most desires.

The charm that she has is potent in that you are willing to give her all you’ve got.

What use is that face of yours if I see you have an ugly heart mile away right now?

You told me that I was pretty, but how you act around me makes me think otherwise, boy.

Your façade would not deceive me, you may be pretty, but all I see in you are lies and excuses.

I want someone I can believe in when I cannot trust anyone else. Give me back that girl.

Be careful who you are trying to fool; not everyone is caught up with how you look, lady.

Am I not pretty enough for you because I couldn’t keep you even when I wanted to, my dear.

Focus on what you can do instead of focusing on what you cannot possibly change any more.

And though I may not look like it, I can tell you everything you need to know about.

The good things in life do not always come in the prettiest packages, and I want you to know.

It was pretty much the same thing that we wanted, but how we got here was different.

You have to be honest; you need to lift yourself upwards if you want to be looked at twice.

For now, I want you to know that you deserve to be happy because I have seen your kindness.

Those girls do not even realize how wonderful they are that makes the best of girls.

You are pretty, and you have these pair of bright blue orbs that makes me drop everything else.

Find a balance between your mind and your soul, heart and brain, and you will be just fine.

Stop looking for a place to escape when you should be doing what you are best at doing.

For now, remember that the best way to a person’s heart is through being kind & loving.

Pretty is nice, but I want to be beautiful in your eyes; I want to be someone you care about.

Maybe today is the day that I will be pretty sure about where my life is going; I sure hope so.

You have this beautiful face, and I can only wish that you are mine right now, my darling.

To me, what you are is not a pretty piece of jewellery but a hope, a wish that everything would be better.

You make me feel pretty, and I can only hope I make you feel important at the same time, baby.

I thought that life was just full of happiness and pretty, but it seemed otherwise; it was so sad.

And it was a pretty girl who broke my heart, and it sucks that you made me feel this way.

How awful is it to be lied to because she was as pretty as an angel, more than anyone else?

I was fooled because you had such a pretty face; I thought I could trust you, babe.