The 70 Determination Quotes


Humans weave their dreams and goals starting from when they were just kids until they grow into adulthood. These dreams are fueled by their determination to fulfill these, and they persevere just to see their dreams realized. The following quotes would surely inspire us to work our determination out and be the best that we can become.


Top 75 Blessed Quotes


This morning, you woke up and you saw the sun rise, and is that not enough to feel blessed? We should be thankful for every breath that we take, for every food that we eat and for everything that happens to us because the one above made it possible. So here are some quotes about feeling blessed and thankful for it.


45 Quotes to Live By


The universal truth is that life is hard, there is no other way around it. Life will suck at the times when you least expect it to. You will have the most frustrating times when you feel like you cannot even do it anymore. Do not worry for when these times come, all you need are some quotes to help you live by, to help you get through whatever it is that you are going through as of the moment. Here are some quotes that will do just that for you.


Top 40 Perspectives Quotes


People each have their own perspective, you just need to understand that and sometimes a person’s perspective can clash with your own perspective, you just have to keep an open mind and to accept that every person has a different feel for a certain subject. On the other hand, your own perspective is also something that should not just be pushed aside, you can make people understand about it as well. Here are some quotes about perspective that might help you to get to know and understand the struggles it can bring about.


Workout Quotes


There are so many reasons to workout, may it be just to keep your body fit or to keep yourself healthy. You have to workout for something, to get the results that you want, get the body shape that you want and a whole lot more. Some people workout as a hobby, others take it seriously. In the end we all have our own reasons. Here are some workout quotes that you can surely relate to.


60+ Cheer Quotes


Cheer is a happy word bringing to mind encouragement and an uplifting of one’s mood. We cheer in happiness, expressing our joy and we also cheer on, sending our good spirits to urge our favored people forward. We all need cheer in our lives, so here are some quotes to inspire you to cheer.


The 60 Best Serendipity Quotes


No one knows what is going to happen tomorrow, or for the next hour, minute or even second. There is this greater force that is making all the things that are happening in our life. Sometimes, we say that serendipity is what it is, luck, destiny, karma, fate are just some of the few names for it. When by chance, something happens to you and you want to relate it to people, here are some quotes that might help you with that.


The 35 Single Mother Quotes


Being a mother is truly a hard work because it has a lot of responsibilities. The job of a single mother is twice of that, acting as both the mother and the father in a family unit. It is one that you can never retire, and does not have a time frame because the kids are at your house and wherever you are, you are bound to just that. You need grit to manage the children and the finances at home and more determination so that you would not give up because it is truly one of the most rewarding of all jobs as you see your children grow up to be independent persons of their own and create their own character in life. You are priceless, a single mother should be praised so here is to every single mother out there striving their hardest to support, to feed and to raise their children the best that they can.


Accountability Quotes


We are all accountable of something, we are all in need of something to be responsible for. There are so many different things in life that we must take accountability of. Accountability, simply put, is being responsible of something. Accountability must be taken seriously and must not be let go easily. You should take care of your accountability in a good and civilized manner. You have a lot of choices and living up to your accountability is one of them that you should really remember. Here are some accountability quotes that you can try to use and understand what it really means in the long run of things and to use and live life in the best way that you can.


Stand Strong Quotes


There are times when everyone is going to try and put you down just so they can have the last laugh but you should stand strong and show them what you are capable of. Stand strong so the rest of the world can see just what you are exactly made of. There is much more you can do in this world, you just have to give it your best to stand strong. Here are some stand strong quotes that should help you out to be motivated to do what is right and stand strong with it.


70 Giving Up Quotes


When life throws trials at us and we think that we cannot handle it, just believe that you can. You would not achieve anything if we give up all too fast. Trials would always be a part of our life. Yet sometimes, when you have exhausted all your efforts and still nothing has improved, giving up might seem to be the only choice you have


60+ Good Morning Texts


A good morning becomes even better if it is paired with a hot cup of coffee and a hearty breakfast. But a good morning can become a great morning once you received a thoughtful text either from your friends, relatives or special someone. We’ve listed some sweet and thoughtful good morning texts that you can use to bring extra happiness to your dear ones. So go ahead and check out this list and do not forget to share.


40+ Suicide-Prevention Quotes


According to the World Health Organization, in the year 2015 about 788, 000 people died by suicide. An individual who drives herself to suicide believes that there is no choice left but ending his life. They truly believe that eternal oblivion is much better than being here and constantly deal with the turmoil that is within them. They believe that they have exhausted all efforts in trying to live this life but in the end they came to the conclusion that this life? This thing called living? They aren’t carved out for this. But just as fear consumes us when we are inside a dark tunnel which seems unending, there is still and there will always be an exit where the light pours in. There are still people out there and even organizations ready to help out when you’re ready to take that one step you can never take back. Give them chance. For now here are some quotes to make you feel less alone as well as encourage you to take part in it:


Living in the Moment Quotes


One of the hardest thing to do even when everyone else thinks it is easy is living in the moment. Living in the moment requires a great deal of courage and whatnot to help you out in doing the things you need to do. If you want to know more about living in the moment, worry not because here are some living in the moment quotes that will inspire you to do just that and to know more about it at the same time.


Short Quotes about Strength


It is very important to be strong during the hard times, that is the real measure of your strength: the hardest times of your life. It is being tough yet understanding of the people that are weaker than you, giving and lending your strength to them. It is being able to know that they need you and when they actually need your help. Strength is letting go of the person you love because you know they would be happy if you do. There is so much strength inside a lot of people that they do not see in themselves. Here are some short quotes about strength that out to let you know.


Keep Your Head Up Quotes


Having the will to pursue and to not give up on our goals in life is really difficult without any inspiration. Words are very powerful tools and it can help one to regain strength and competency so we have prepared these quotes and sayings for those weakened individuals who need it. Here are some of the many quotes you can draw energy from:


Top 100 Good Morning Quotes


There are those mornings when you just want to tell the whole world just how lovely you woke up and how today is going to be a beautiful day. You want to share the sunrise with your friends or the way the air smells so good at this very morning. During that moment, you need good morning quotes that would express what you mean and let them know.


Sunset Quotes


Every sunset is another ending to a day whether it was good or bad. It is a mundane event in a person’s life but in the greater good of people, some realize its importance. It is the mark of an end but also a prologue to a new beginning, something that would normally make people a whole lot happier about seeing sunset because there will eventually be a sunrise and that is pretty much the promise that it offers. There are a lot of things in this world that needs to be addressed and this is definitely one of them so here are some quotes about sunset that you might like or you might want to use to describe just how every sunset composes your day.


Firefighter Quotes


A firefighter is someone who has dedicated his life to save people from fire and prevent it from spreading. It is his duty to always serve the people affected with hire above all else. A firefighter must be loyal. He must be someone who people can respect and be proud of. There is a certain standard that a firefighter aspirant would go through, several training and conferences that is bound to boost your knowledge about the topics themselves. Here are some quotes about a firefighter that it would be better.


Dream Catcher Quotes


Dreams have been part of our human life. We dream as we sleep, dream as we walk and dream as we rest. Most of us believe that dreams occur for a reason and dreams do come true. Moreover, we believed that dreams are magical and powerful. To protect our dreams from bad ones and catch the only good ones, the ancestors create a thing called “Dream Catcher”. Here are some inspiring dream catcher quotes that will surely brought you to magical world of dreams.” …More