Feeling Left Out Quotes

It sucks when you feel left out, no matter what is happening, may it be on the talk that your friends seem to be having or the game that everyone else is playing.
Feeling left out makes you sad and miserable at the same time.
See, there is indeed more to things than you expect them to be, and you have no choice left to do what you do the most.
Well, you must not instigate or very much do anything to keep you from feeling left out.
Just let it all out; here are some feeling left out quotes that you might appreciate in the process.

Whenever I am with you, I feel left out; I don’t want to go back no matter what.

I fear most that I may wake up someday, and you will no longer be there beside me.

I wish you would stand up for the people who are marginalized by this society, do me proud.


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All I ever really wished for was someone that I could hold when things were getting too rough.

I wanted someone to hang on to when I thought I could no longer do the things I wanted.

There is more to life than feeling left out; just focus on the positive things from now on, dear.

May you learn to stand up for those too weak to voice their feelings out, do that now.

Some people are not treated right by the society that you are in; stand up for them.

Maybe it was the chances we let pass us by that we will regret the most later in life.

Feeling left out is one of the worst feelings in the world & you really can’t do anything at all.

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It sure got the best of us, you and me, the chances that we were left alone, but here we are now too.

All people want is to find a place where they can finally belong, where they will be too.

I never really wanted to go into a distant place; all I want is to be here where I am now.

Maybe we are all meant for something; perhaps you are meant to be here right now, right here.

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The ones you love the most can sometimes be why you are feeling left out, sadly.

It can get you sad knowing all your friends are out there but be strong; you’ll be just fine too.

When you feel a bit left out, you tell yourself that you will always have you.

Listen to me, girl, you will never lose yourself, and that is what is the most important thing too.

Whenever you feel left out, keep in mind that I will be there for you; call me out too.

I do not want to be that one who is so vulnerable to the point that people would leave.

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I can’t do it anymore, you say to yourself, but I tell you that you can, you can still survive this.

When other people decide to leave you, do not worry, the right people will be there for you.

Do not feel like you are ever alone, for you will always have yourself, and that is enough, girl.

I am afraid of feeling left out, not fitting in with my friends, and getting left behind.

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May you stand by the side of the oppressed people by this society; may you do that.

All I wanted was to be accepted, but in the end, it is just too bad that we are not that.

Do not leave other people behind lest you want others to do just the same thing you did.

Feeling left out hurts too, but you have to tough it out and realize that you can.


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The people I admire the most are those that try their best to get themselves accepted here.

Many people learn to love each other so that they would no longer think about leaving too.

I wish you would realize that you are not alone in this journey; you have your friends too.

No one wants to help you, but some people will believe me on this one.

I will always do my best to soothe you and comfort you so you won’t feel left out.

Being by yourself is okay sometimes; that is just a part of life, and you need to accept that.

There will be times when you realize that maybe solitude is not that bad after all; believe it.

Today, try to make things better so that you will be a whole lot stronger in the future, too.

Feeling left out kind of hurts, you know, so may you never try to make another person handle it.

It is okay to feel that you are alone; maybe it will even make you a whole lot braver as well.

You have got no one else but you to help yourself out, so tell yourself that you’ve got this.

Believe me that there will be some times when loneliness will bring out the best in you too.

I am terrified that you might be feeling left out one day, and I won’t be there beside you.

As long as you know how to love yourself, you will be just fine, believe me on that, darling.

You need to realize that it is not enough to stand alone but to help others, be their support.

Let others lean on you so that when you stand, you can help others in the process too, baby.

We all have that moment when we feel left out; I hope you can call your friends then.

All that I want you to know is that you will be alright, things will pass, and you will be okay.

One day you will get over the feeling that you are left out; for now, hang on, believe in me.

You get used to the feeling: being left out can suck, but you will get numb to the pain as well.

The truth is that when someone gets bored with you, they will leave you out, the saddest part.

One morning, you wake up, and suddenly you feel left out; that’s normal too.

Stop waiting for someone that has already left you; there is just no point in that, my darling.

Being an outcast can suck, but you have to stand by those things when it comes to your beliefs.

To stand alone is okay as long as you are fighting for the essential things to you.

Feeling left out is when everyone else is doing something you are not, and it does suck.

One day you will understand what it is like to be alone in the very thing you are fighting for.

If you can make people know your cause better, it is okay to stand alone now.

You see, all I ever wanted was to make you feel like the best person in the world; you’re good.

The people who can’t seem to stand you are the very ones that adore you, believe it.

When you feel left out, go out there and enjoy something else that only you can do.

Never surrender when you know that what you are doing is right; never give up, keep fighting.

Being with people who makes you feel like you are alone is genuinely the worst thing in this world.

I thought life sucked, but it became worse when I met people who made me feel like I sucked so.

Feeling left out may bring you pain, but in the end, you will be okay; you’d survive that too.

When you feel sad, think of your family, and you will be alright; I do that the most too.

You see, maybe the key is to isolate yourself from the rest so that you won’t feel all left out.

Try to know the person you become when you are alone; that is who you indeed are, I tell you.

You want other people to be happy that you forget yourself; that is the saddest thing ever.

One day when everything seems wrong, and you are feeling left out, shout out loudly, girl.

Do not leave others behind so that others would not do the same to you; it is nothing but logic.

Your family are the people who would see to it that you know you are loved and not left out.

I know how you are feeling, and I need you to know that I am with you in this too.

It sucks to see your friends leaving you for another group of friends; that is the truth.

Feeling left out can be consuming, but you have to deal with it, for it will pass as well.

When you choose between staying and letting go, I hope that you make the right decision too.

You belong right here with me. I hope that you won’t find anything to make you feel otherwise.

Maybe you got so used to being alone that you forget that you no longer are; we are here.

May you learn that you should prioritize yourself, always, never be the second option, ever.

There are better plans for you; believe me, He has everything laid out for your better good.

We have all been there once in our lives, feeling left out and not seeming to be just okay too.

I’ve always thought that the Lord is watching our every move, and maybe He is, I think so.

When a person does not have anyone else to go to, he always goes to me; I am the last resort.

It sure is sad to be the second choice of most of my friends; I wanted to be the first, even once.

Maybe there is no point in this, but I no longer want to be the option; I want to be the choice.