Confused Quotes


It is normal to feel confused in this life, there are a lot of very complicated things such as love and life that can cause confusion to most of us. When you are confused you may have feelings of sadness, hurt, pain, anger and a whole lot more. Experts says that women are more prone to feel that way over men. But then, we have all felt confused at one point in our lives. To those that are dealing with being confused right now, here are some confused quotes that you might relate to.


60+ Emotional Quotes


Emotions run free within every single person. Emotion is, in essence, what makes us human. Whether its anger, sadness, joy, and fear, we all have some emotion stored deep in our hearts and often times running across our faces. Here are some quotes about emotions that could make even the most frozen iceman melt:


Top 60 Fake Love Quotes


It hurts more than rejection. It stabs more than unrequited love. Nothing hurts more in this world than a pretentious and fake love. It has taken over the world. It exists like a trend taking over the society. Take a closer look at these quotes and learn about truths of fake love:


40+ Sad Lines


There are moments that you will feel sad and a lot of things can cause it: heartbreak, loss of someone you love, death of a family member or a friend, feeling left out, finding out that you are almost dying, not knowing how long you have to live and many more. When you feel like the whole world has turned against you, the best way to cope with it is to find someone who understands the way you feel about life. Here are some of the best quotes that might help you through whatever is going on in your life right now.


50+ Selfish Quotes


Some people just want things for themselves and are not fond of sharing while some people loves to just go and share all they have even when they are left with nothing at all. Here are some of the quotes for those selfish people who only want things for their own pleasure, for their own benefit. Maybe you can show them how selfish they are through these words.


Top 35 If You Love Me Let Me Go Quotes


People say that if you truly love a person, you should know when to let the person go, you should know when to stop holding on to something that does not belong to you anymore, someone who no longer feels the same way that you do. Now, if you are the person who wants to be set free, here are some quotes that will help you in some way since it will make your lover understand that you want to be set free.


Ex Quotes


Whether you broke up with your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend or that person has broken up with you, moving on from an ex is never going to be easy. You will have to deal with a lot of things, you will have to be sorry for a lot of things about your ex and go through a lot of challenges as well. You deserve someone who is not like your ex at all, someone who will be patient and understanding with you and support you all the way out. Here are some ex quotes you might just be able to relate to, see them for yourself and just try them out now, and just enjoy it well.


70 Disappointment Quotes and Sayings


According to the dictionary, disappointment is an emotion felt when an expectation is not met.
As we grow up, we all experience this in one form or another. Grades that are not good enough, the promotion that did not come, the let downs of love are all examples of these everyday disappointments that knock us out of orbit. However, we must rise above them in order to regain our equilibrium. Here are some quotes about disappointment that will soothe and inspire.


60 One Sided Love Quotes


Nothing can compare to the pain of a broken heart and even worse, being refused by the person you love. Because of that, songs, movies, poems and quotes were born to help you cope with the pain when there is no one you can share your pain with. Delve into the quotes and ease your pain with the quotes below:


35+ Emotional Status


What sets us apart from other creatures in this world is our ability to feel. Some people base their decisions upon their emotions, while some people keep their emotions apart from their lives. At some point in our lives, our emotions will come bursting forth no matter how much we hide it. That’s why there are quotes like the one you will find below to help you express those bottled up emotions:


Top 50 Complicated Love Quotes


Love is complicated, it makes people think about it all the time, makes people feel emotions they have never even felt before. Sometimes, there are moments when you feel like you do not even understand what love means, you are just so confused about it. When these times come, here are some useful complicated love quotes to help you make sense of love or at least get it a little.


Top 43 Upset Quotes


The nature of a person’s heart and mind can sometimes be very chaotic. These two are often the opposing forces that influence our decisions when we are falling in love or falling apart. The heart upsets the mind and the mind upsets the heart and I guess that is the nature’s way of revealing us the hidden mysteries and magical wonders created by this silly little thing called love. So I bring you to a list of quotes that will definitely match the feeling of upset that most of us feel when we are under the magical influence of love.


Friend Zone Quotes


May you be a boy or a girl, you must have at least been in love at least once in your life, whether you are a teenager or a full grown man or woman, there has been experiences of love for sure. The fact is this: most people never get out of the friend zone. The friend zone is that place when the one that you feel love for only ever sees you as a friend. It really hurts a lot and it can change you. For those who are in there, here are some friend zone quotes you might get to relate to. …More

The 60 Goodbye Quotes and Sayings


There is hello, and then there is good bye. All of us are destined to leave a place or somebody; more farewells are said than hellos. An assortment of heartfelt good byes from all people from all walks of life is laid out for you to immerse yourself in.


65 Alone Quotes


Not all the time having people around us fits our mood. There times that we also need to be alone to clear our minds, think things over, and have some peace of mind. But when being alone brings too much sadness already, then having company would best relieve this loneliness.


70 Falling Out of Love Quotes


Having a sentimental moment about your recent “drifting apart” or “it’s not you, it’s me” with your then boyfriend/girlfriend now EX? Want to shout your feeling out? Here are some of the saddest, most heart wrenching falling out of love quotes for your next status update:


55+ Rainy Day Quotes


For some, rain brings a lot of memories to them, either sad or happy but it does. It is quite the best weather to reminisce some of the memories worth remembering. Here are some of the quotes that will help you in relating with how rainy days feel or maybe what you should feel when rainy days come your way.


Top 35 Feeling Alone in a Relationship Quotes


There are times when you will it is tiring, feeling alone in a relationship that is meant for two people. When you feel that you are the only one who is in love, when you feel that you are the only person in the world who gives in effort in trying to maintain the love that you both supposedly share. For those people who are feeling alone in a relationship, here are some quotes that will make you feel better than ever, which will help you decide on what you should do.


Leaving Quotes


Leaving ain’t always going to be a bad thing for there are moments when you indeed have to let go. Just because you are the one that is leaving that you are weak, there are times when you are strong and that is why it matters. For all the people that are trying to help you out in trying things, you should try your best to let the world know that leaving does not equal not being strong. Here are some leaving quotes that might help you out to express yourself.
