40+ Jealousy Quotes


To feel jealous is normal, but if it is too much it became a poison. It is a poison that can destroy trust in any relationship. The world of jealousy is not the world for all of us. One must create a world with love and trust and not jealousy and envy. Besides, there are more beautiful things life is offering us. The following quotes will help you understand jealousy at its finest. Keep reading and have fun.


50+ Hater Sayings


Life is not always perfect. There will be hate, distrust, and many more. Hate is a common feeling next to love. People nowadays easily get mad and irritated; these are the cousins of hate. If not treated well, it will destroy the entire humanity. Learn to control your feelings, or else you will hurt others and yourself as well. The following quotes you will read are all about hate and things you need to know about it. We hope you will find it useful someday.


60+ Fake People Quotes


As the world’s population gradually increases each day, the circle of people with a conscience and heart is slowly narrowing. Friends come and go, just as our trust in them does. True people became a rare gem, and finding them became a quest. Here are some quotes that speak of fake people and those who had experienced their company.


The 60 Bullying Quotes


Bullying has become a worldwide controversy these days. It has hit a lot of lives, especially those of teenagers. Groups of sympathetic citizens around the globe has formed various support groups on anti-bullying, and the following quotes are thoughts of several people on the issue of bullying that could enlighten us all on the plight of the victims.


Top 100 Sarcastic Quotes


There are moments when you just have to say things in a sarcastic way to emphasize your point or to not hurt ignorant people when you are just so annoyed and want to speak your mind. Sometimes, you do it just to annoy other people or tease them or just express yourself at that moment. But there are some sarcastic remarks that are hard to think of so for those times that you want to say something in a sarcastic way but cannot find the right way to do so, here are some sarcastic quotes that might be useful to you.


35+ Insult Status


There are people you are just so annoyed at and you just want to tell them that you dislike them. One of the most efficient ways to do this is to put on a status that insults them indirectly so that you do not seem too much of a bad person but you get to insult them at the same time so it is up to them to interpret whether the status is for them or not. Here are some of the insult status you can use to annoy the hell out of that person.


Top 50+ Mean People Quotes


There are a lot of mean people in the world and that is the truth. How are you going to deal with that is up to you, how you are going to defend yourself from them is also for you to decide. They are the type of people who will say what they want to you without caring and being so crass. They do not care how you may feel as long as they get to say what they want, sometimes, they will even do it on purpose just to see you suffer. Here are some quotes about those mean people.


30+ Life Sucks Quotes


At one point, you would think that life sucks, you will feel as if everything is going down the drain, everything that you have worked so hard for is slipping off of your fingertips, like nothing will ever go right again but the truth is that there will always be tomorrow, there will always be another day to make things right once more. There will always be something that will help you get over your notion that life sucks. But sometimes, the best you can do is to relate yourself to it so here are some life sucks quotes that you can relate to or at least make you feel a lot better.


Top 70 Fed Up Quotes


No matter how patient we may be, humans as we are, there will really come a time that we will get fed up with someone or something. Indeed, getting tired is normal. So here’s a list of fed up quotes that are humorous and inspiring and will make you realize that getting fed up is a normal feeling that we all have to go through at some point in our life.


80+ Annoying people quotes


Sometimes there are just too many annoying people in sight that it makes you feel crazy to be in the same place with them or even within the same vicinity. When the time comes, it would be great to actually not see these annoying people or at least let these annoying people know exactly how you feel about them. If that is not possible, relax and let yourself be comforted by the fact that you are not the only one. Here are some annoying people quotes you can relate to.


The 60 Gossip Quotes


People gossip all the time, some live for gossip alone, given that. There are some who drinks in gossip like it is water, some even spread it as fast as you can say the word gossip. The thing is that gossip can hurt people especially when it is spread the wrong way and when it is something bad about a person. However, people who gossip are truly unstoppable and one way or another gossip will spread. Here are some quotes about gossip that might help you understand exactly what gossip is and what gossip does to people’s life.
