35+ Beautiful Status


They say beauty is relative and it is dependent on who is looking. If we are feeling good about ourselves, everything will be easier for us and our good vibes will radiate to everyone we deal with. We can share these samples of beauty status anytime so we can inspire others to feel good about their selves as well:


The 60 Struggle Quotes


In our lives, we are bound to struggle as much as we breathe because we want to pursue something better, we want to be a great person that will leave a mark on other people’s lives, on the world. In that sense, it is okay to somehow find these quotes you can relate to so that you can keep on struggling even when you just want to give it all up.


Top 55 Enjoy Life Quotes


There are so many ways to enjoy life, to celebrate the beauty that it really is, you can do a lot of things, go on as many adventures as you would like. What would you do if this was your last moments, you must enjoy life as much as you can in every single second so that you would not regret anything at all. To do this, you must take risks, you must love life on everything of your life. Here are some quotes to enjoy life and just have some fun while you are at it.


Never Settle Quotes


A lot of people will tell you this: never settle for anything that is less than what you truly deserve. Never settle to be in a position that is safe when you know yourself that you can do so much better. You are brave as much as you are still young and so you must believe that the answer to living a better life is to never settle at all. Keep your feet moving, be open to more changes and never settle. Here are some never settle quotes to help you to get that better.


Support Quotes


Sometimes, all that someone needs in this life is a person that will give him or her some support. When you are going through the toughest moments in your life, you want someone that will support you no matter what. Support is one of the most important things to have especially from the people you love. When you think that no one is there to support you, think twice and realize that there are actually people who will. Here are some support quotes to help you out as well. …More

70 Uplifting Quotes


There will be times that the darkness will engulf your heart and mind. Sadness, stress, anxiety, insecurities and anger looms over and it’s hard to break away from that weight in your heart. Aside from the loving support of our family and friends, uplifting quotes help with coping up with the heaviness in your heart.


40+ Girly Attitude Quotes


Girls are complicated, delicate, emotional, and sensitive but a loving human being created by God. In this day and age, girls love to be heard and express what they feel or thinking and they will do anything for that. Our list of girly attitude quotes below will surely reflect what every girl has in mind and can be used to convey what they are up to.


60+ Compassion Quotes


We often show our compassion to the people we care about; to those that we thinks need help, those that we think needs support to be able to live a happy life.
Being compassionate even to strangers is not a bad thing, in fact it is one of the best things to do if you truly want to live a happy and peaceful life.
Here are some quotes about compassion that might just help you.


Top 40 Never Settle for Less Quotes


Of all the people in this world, you should never forget to love yourself. You deserve nothing than the best, you should never settle for less. It is your responsibility to yourself to try your best for yourself, to always leave something for you. You can’t just give all your love to somebody else, allow yourself to indulge in something that would help you along the way, always try to retain some love to yourself. When you are in the market and you have bought something, never settle for less than what you paid for as well. Here are some quotes that will help you realize that you should never settle for less.


New Day Quotes


Every day is a brand new day to start anew, it is an opportunity to go out there and enjoy this life. It is also a new chance to begin again, to erase the mistakes of the past and be a better person. You see, a new day is another great way to try to become a better person and do great things. See a new day as that chance you have been waiting for in your life to bring forth something good to this world. Here are some new day quotes to help you see it that way.


Ambition quotes


Every person has their own ambition in life, how they want to be in the future, what their dreams are. Ambition is one of the things that feeds us to be a better person, it is one of the things that makes us want to try better things. It is the fuel that we need to achieve a better standing in life, ambition that is. Ambition is very powerful indeed that it is able to do a lot of things. To the people who are trying to get their ambitions and goals to come true, here are some great quotes about ambition that should be able to inform you about ambition and what it can do for you. …More

70+ Strong Women Quotes


Women from all over the Earth are very much empowered, letting nothing block their way to achieve their dreams and goals, to assert their beliefs and opinions. That is why we have prepared these inspirational Strong Women Quotes to show appreciation to these magnificent women that are roll model and inspiration for all of us.


70+ Happiness Quotes


There are moments when you want to capture the feeling you have because it is pure happiness and you are in this awesome state of bliss. When this thing happens, you want to write it down so you can look back on it a couple of decades from that very moment. Unfortunately, not all people are gifted with writing. You need not worry because these quotes on happiness will help you to express yourself better so that you will be able to tell the world your story and make it last, forever.


Top 105 Gym Quotes


For those people who loves going to the gym to have a good time, to keep fit, to keep healthy or just to post some pictures on the internet saying that they went to the gym, here are some gym quotes that you will surely love to read and brag to your friends that does not go to the gym.


Top 25 Growth Quotes


There is something inside of you that dies each time you try to do something that you do not want. There is something inside of you that grows each time you do those that you are passionate about. Growth is something that you cannot stop easily, as everyone says, it is easy to grow old but growing up is harder. Here are some quotes about growth that you might want to read about so you can see just how hard it is and the struggles related to growth.


Rain Quotes


Some people love the rain, while others do not. See, the rain can bring a lot of things, it can be a nostalgic event when it rain but on the other hand it can also be happy. Some people love to just shower under the rain, some see the rain as a sign of blessing. You can interpret the rain however you want, it is all up to you. In the end, here are some rain quotes that should inspire you more.


Ignorance quotes


Ignorance should never be let to be an excuse to anything. After all, ethics should always come first, you did not follow the law so why should you appeal to be ignorant of it? There are a lot of other ways that you can try and say and express ignorance to people. In case you want to understand ignorance even better and just realize what it means, here are some ignorance quote that should help you out to explore more about ignorance and what it does to help you out. …More

60+ Be Yourself Quotes


There is nothing more wonderful than being proud of yourself. Rejoicing in who you are and being contented of your character gives the heart a sense of peace that no other worldly treasure could give. Bask in the warm glow of these wonderful statements that revel in the joy of being true to yourself


40+ Smart Status


Smart is the new cool. Being smart not only means that witty, it also means that you have the ability to go with your guts alongside using your knowledge to guide you through tricky situations. Here are quotes which you can use in your social media as a status to keep your cool shining:


80 Time Quotes and Time Sayings


Time is something that is so precious and cannot be bought.
It is something that you can never bring back once it has passed.
No one has yet invented a machine that can bring you back to the time you want to be in.
You still cannot change anything at all in your life even now.
Here are some quotes about the time that will make you feel so much better than before for sure.
