60+ Character Quotes


What builds a man’s character? How can you tell if a man has a good character? Which virtues does he need to possess. There are many factors from which a great character relies on. Take a look at the quotes below which will help you determine what makes up a good character:


The 100 Butterfly Quotes


A butterfly is such a magnificent creature for it beholds a beauty incomparable to others. It is not only just a mere creature of beauty but it also symbolizes hope and a reminder that each struggle has a lovely ending. Here is our list of one of kind quotes which is inspired by the butterfly itself. Be mesmerized as you read through the list and do not forget to share this charming list.


60+ Adoption quotes and sayings

adoption quotes

Adoption is not an easy process but the end result is definitely worth everything in this world. The moment that the child gets to be your own, the moment he or she calls you a parent. Yes the journey is long for adoption may take years, there may be a long wait, there may be some heart break involve, even suffering but at the end of the process there is nothing but happiness. Adoption is one of the best things out there for foster children, to eventually find a home with a father, a mother and maybe even a sibling. Here are some quotes about adoption that you might appreciate or maybe you can actually relate to, something you have already experienced.


The 50 Culture Quotes


One of the most important thing that every citizen of every country must preserve is their own culture. It is through their culture that they can actually be proud of where they live. Culture has been passed down from one generation to another through time and it is one of the things that has been valued in every place. Now, if you know anything about culture, then you are very lucky, here are some culture quotes that might help you to appreciate culture so much more.


Short Happy Quotes


There will be times when you wake up in the morning and you are unsure of what your day will become, when you struggle to produce your own light to follow or to find your way. On the other times, you feel great and sunny, well those are great days indeed. When you need that extra dose of sunshine like the cherry on top of the sundae, you ought to have use of some happy quotes. These happy quotes will help you stay on top of the clouds no matter what you’re going through. Enjoy these short happy quotes and may they find you some rainbows during rainy days.


The 60 Integrity Quotes


In this world filled with deceit, temptation and cruelty, maintaining one’s integrity is close to impossible. The society we live in will be a better place if people can adhere to what is moral and what is right. Here are quotes which will inspire the virtue of integrity into your heart and mind:


Top 55 Princess Quotes


Deep inside every woman’s heart lays a princess, waiting to be awakened. Most girls dream to be a princess, while other’s live the life of one. It does not matter if you do not look like one as long as you feel like one. Here are some princess quotes to satisfy your heart’s desires.


Top 60+ Everything Happens for a Reason Quotes


There will be some changes in your life at one point that will get you thinking, why is this happening, why is it happening to me? Well, I am telling you that everything happens for a reason and sometime, that reason may be a bit blurry, may be a bit vague for you to understand at the moment but as time passes by you will realize what the reason is and finally solve the puzzle that life is. Now, there are things that come into your life by surprise and I am telling you that happen for some reason just as well. The point is that you need to accept that whatever those things bring you, may it be joy, sadness, pain or maybe anger, they are part of your life and they would not be there if they do not teach you a lesson or two at it. Here are some quotes on that note so feel free to look at them and relate yourself to these.


35+ Singing Quotes


Singing is one of the things that people does when they are alone, or when they want to just relax themselves. It is through singing that one can express themselves, that they can actually find a medium to finally be able to tell the world what they have in mind, what they are feeling, what they want to say. Singing is a form of therapy in that sense. There are many things that you can do when you are singing, you can pour your heart out and just tell even the person you love that you love him or her through singing. Here are some quotes about singing to help on with that.


Thank You Images Quotes


Sometimes it is very hard to say thank you to someone because you just do not know the right words to say. Or better yet expressing your gratitude is not something that a simple thank you can do. Whatever your reason is, it is very important to say thank you. Here are some thank you quotes that will help you out in order to say the thank you that you have always wanted to say.


The 60 Quotes About Beauty


Being objectively beautiful which and being way more beautiful than other women is something that is deeply ingrained in the psyches of most women all over the world.
So here are some great quotes on beauty that can somehow help women to clearly understand the real meaning of being beautiful.


35+ Respecting Others Sayings


Respecting others takes great humility. It means recognizing the views and wishes of other people, while intertwining it with your major decisions. It is not an easy feat as humans to consider others as we are born to strive to live and survive in this cruel and merciless world. We hope you will learn and instil in your hearts the value of respecting others with the following selection of quotes below:


70 Good Day Quotes and Sayings


There is a reason why every day is a good day and sometimes, you want to share your excitement to the world. You want to wish your friends, family, and your loved ones to have a good day or to show them that you are having one. Here are some quotes that might help you with just that.


Top 100 Music Quotes


Music is truly one of the best things in this world because it speaks to people; it makes them relate to it, it gives them someone to turn to. Music has been helping a lot of people ever since the day it was first made. There is something about music that just makes a person feel better, it makes a person feel that he is not alone in this world, that there is someone out there who feels the same way that he does and that is the real beauty that is incorporated with music. Here are some music quotes that will make you love and understand music a lot more than before.


Top 45 Sisterhood Quotes


There is always a space for a sister inside a person’s heart because a sister is someone who will keep you safe no matter the consequences. Sisterhood goes way beyond the blood that you share, it is a relationship between women who are willing to do everything for their sisters. It is a choice to join a sisterhood, it is a commitment to join one and be true to your word on every oath that you will partake with them. Here are some quotes about sisterhood that you might relate to.


Aesthetic Quotes


The world is a massive beautiful painting of the sunsets, the deep blue oceans, and the green gables across the fields. It is also a beautiful sculpture of mountain ridges, cave formations, and valleys. It feels good to see the amazing creation that the humanity can never surpass in the billions of years in the world. Let us appreciate this beauty and keep it in our hearts like the heavenly sky wants us to do for all the time. …More

70+ Honesty Quotes


Everyone wants the truth even if it always hurts. No one deserves a lie, for it breaks trust until a point that it cannot be fixed. There are times our honesty is being tested. Some we failed, some we succeed. But what is important is that we always ask for forgiveness. Honesty is still one of the most important trait a person should have. Stay honest even if others are not.


60+ Smart Quotes


There are many kinds of people who walk the Earth. Different personalities and characters could be found in each and every person. One of the most endearing people might be the smart ones because you would be able to deal with anything rationally. You do not need to be intelligent, just being smart enough to know what is right from wrong could let you go on with your life in this world.


55 Sweet Memory Quotes


Memories are priceless; no amount of money can bring them back that is why they are often treasured and cherished. We compiled some beautiful memory quotes that you can use to journey down the memory lane. Enjoy reading and feel free to share this list to people you know who will also be happy to read quotes like this.


Wisdom Quotes


Wisdom is something that is very hard to achieve, only a few people have it in them to actually utilize their wisdom in something more productive. Do you have wisdom and do you want to share it, if so, then how would you try to share it to the world and so the world can have some wisdom too? There are few exceptional people who have wisdom in them. And they affected the world greatly by the things they did and the words they said so truth be said, wisdom is very much important to them. Here are some quotes about wisdom or by people who has wisdom that you might fun and amusing so you can learn what wisdom is and how to acquire wisdom too.
